2020-10-23 16:28:39

Utjecaj COVID-19 na aktivnosti u projektu CoCo+

COVID-19 je utjecao i na dinamiku planiranih aktivnosti u projektu CoCo+ te smo se morali prilagoditi novo nastaloj situaciji.



Targeted groups (elementary school students) cannot be introduced to the school program offerings as dynamically as before

All events with more participants (school day, national/international competitions, workshops and job/university fair) had to be postponed

No in-person project dissemination was possible in companies/schools 

Longer hours in regards to organizing and conducting on-line activities for students and taking care of any (all) bureaucratic needs


More investments in sense of time and human resources towards organizing appropriate in-person and on-line student activities (workshops concerning VET education)

Updating of official school sites with more in detail information about any future events, classes, workshops 

Fun, dynamic presentations concerning regular school lectures but also current projects SSDS is taking part in 

More investment towards school helping lines; call lines for any parent/student who have additional questions and/or feel anxious due to the on-going pandemic

Helena Ivanac - Perutka, mag. ing. mech., prof.


Srednja ¹kola Dugo Selo